Nauki przyrodnicze

Alexander Harcourt – Gorilla Society. Conflict, Compromise and Cooperation Between the Sexes

„Gorilla Society” introduces recent theories explaining primate societies; describes gorilla life history, ecology, and social systems; and explores how the different and sometimes conflicting evolutionary goals of the sexes produce gorilla society as we know it. With a focus on the future, Harcourt and Stewart conclude with suggestions for further socioecological research and a discussion of conservation of gorillas. An exemplary work of socioecology from two of the world’s best-known gorilla biologist, „Gorilla Society” will be a landmark study on a par with the work of George Schaller – a synthesis of exisiting research on these remarkable animals and the societies in which they live.  

University of Chicago Press

nauki przyrodnicze (fizyka, chemia, biologia, itd.)
