Literatura współczesna

Amanda Stone – Come Back to Me (Breathe Into Me #2)

They say you never forget your first love, and you don’t. It’s the thing that turned Jessi Adams into the commitment-phobe she is today. Now she guards her heart with an iron fist, never letting any man get too close. She doesn’t do relationships, and makes no excuses for the way she lives her life—hooking up with anyone she sees fit. It’s the only way ensure her hearts safety.

The number one rule she lived by was to never, under any circumstances, talk about forever. Her rule had been foolproof until a chance meeting in a small cafe’ with a searing pair of blue eyes her freshman year of college completely changed everything. Landon Parks walked into Jessi’s life and not only broke every rule she ever made for herself—he shattered them. He touched her heart in a way that no man ever had before, but when he starts talking forever, and making plans of one day making her Mrs. Landon Parks, she does the one thing she knows how to do best. Run.

She pushes all feelings for Landon aside until she finds herself in a situation she can’t get out of, and the one person who can save her is the one person she hurt the most. Having Landon reenter her life at a time when she so desperately needed him was the eye opener she needed. Now its time to swallow her pride and tell Landon how she feels. Only problem is, that realization may have come just a little to late.  

Kindle Edition
tytuł oryginału:
Come Back to Me (Breathe Into Me #2)

data wydania:
18 czerwca 2014

literatura współczesna


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