Biznes i finanse

Carol Pearson – The Hero and the Outlaw

Praise for The Hero and the Outlaw

„For those wise enough to use this system, the outcome will be consistently more powerful brands and higher ROI. I have seen it applied, and it works every time.”
­­Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus, Young & Rubicam

„Mark and Pearson are true humanists. They apply their understanding of common psychic experiences in the unlikely arena of advertising, and then expertly guide marketers to manage their brands’ meaning to maximize their commercial effectiveness without causing negative social effects.”
­­Ruth Wooden, President of the National Parenting Association and former ten year President of the Advertising Council

„This provocative and insightful book could and should revolutionize the world of marketing.”
­­Margaret Wheatley, best-selling author, Leadership and the New Science and co-author, A Simpler Way

„What a great concept! Anyone with a genuine interest in marketing and branding will find this provocative and enlightening book extremely valuable.”
­­Bob Wehling, Global Marketing Officer, Proctor & Gamble

„The Hero and the Outlaw will soon become the guiding light, the port in the storm, that will make our meandering and lengthy creative journey light years faster. I only wish it had been written years earlier.”
­­Linda Kaplan Thaler, President and CEO, The Kaplan Thaler Group

„It reads with the fascination of fiction, and it provides a last remaining hope for managing any meaningful brand differentiation in the marketplace today.”
­­Arlene Brickner, Vice President Creative Services and Public Relations, Coach   źródło opisu: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2001 źródło okładki: zdjęcie autorskie

McGraw-Hill Professional
tytuł oryginału:
The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes

data wydania:
luty 2001 (data przybliżona)


liczba stron:

słowa kluczowe:
archetyp , marketing , jung , marka

biznes, finanse


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