Stephanie Thomas – Luminosity
My name is Beatrice. When I was born, I was blessed with the Sight, an ability to see into the…
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Cambria Hebert – Between
I grew up in a comfortable house with two parents and a white-picket fence. My brother, Sam, and I used…
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Andre Norton – Garan Nieśmiertelny
W naszym świecie był Garinem, pilotem odrzutowca i podróżnikiem. Na zapomnianej Tav był Garanem, który przywrócił związek tej część planety…
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Jaye Wells – Violet Tendencies
Former assassin Sabina Kane heads to Los Angeles to find her kidnapped sister. Helping her on the mission are her…
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Cameron Stracher – The Water Wars
Welcome to a future where water is more precious than oil or gold… Vera and her brother, Will, live in…
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Sarah Crossan – Resist
The sequel—and conclusion—to Sarah Crossan’s Breathe. Three teen outlaws must survive on their own in a world without air, exiled…
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James Lowder – Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, From A Game of Thrones to A Dance with Dragons
„There were a number of books about A Game of Thrones (the HBO series) and A Song of Ice and…
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Brigid Kemmerer – Storm
Earth, Fire, Air, Water – they have more power than you dream. Ever since her ex-boyfriend spread those lies about…
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Andrzej Juliusz Sarwa – Gałązka rajskiej jabłoni. Baśnie polskie
W zbiorze znajduje się dziesięć utworów: Grzeczność wynagrodzona. Opowieść o czarodziejskiej lasce. Gniew jest złym doradcą. O pastuszku, owcach i…
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Trinity Faegen – The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax
Sasha is desperate to find out who murdered her father. When getting the answer means pledging her soul to Eryx,…
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Dariusz Kankowski – Płacz przodków
Król spotyka dziewczynę z rasy niewolników, z którą natychmiast pragnie się ożenić. Ale to nie bajka, to początek horroru. Akcja…
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Andrew Smith – Grasshopper Jungle
Sixteen-year-old Austin Szerba interweaves the story of his Polish legacy with the storyof how he and his best friend ,…
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Ginn Hale – Lord of the White Hell. Book One
Kiram Kir-Zaki may be considered a mechanist prodigy among his own people, but when he becomes the first Haldiim ever…
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Ray Bradbury – I uderzył grom
Bradbury’s time travel story serves to point out how small actions can have big consequences. Wydawnictwo: tytuł oryginału: A Sound…
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Katarzyna Stadnik – Baśń
Brutalna ingerencja boga wojny w życie śmiertelniczki dzieli świat ludzi na dwoje. Mijają pokolenia, a mieszkańcy Królestwa Północy wciąż nie…
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Stephen Cole – The Art of Destruction
The TARDIS lands in 22nd century Africa in the shadow of a dormant volcano. Agri-teams are growing new foodstuffs in…
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