Filozofia i etyka
Barry Miller – A Most Unlikely God. A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Nature of God
Spis treści Existence 15 The Reality and Wealth of Existence 27 An Identity of Limit Cases 60 Wydawnictwo: University of…
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Peter Thomas Geach – Reason and Argument
Spis treści Arguing and Giving Reasons 1 Consistency 6 Doubt and Certainty 11 Inference 17 Observation Memory Testimony 23 Uses…
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Gabriel Bonnot de Mably – Pisma wybrane
Wydanie dwóch najbardziej reprezentatywnych dzieł G. Mably`ego: O prawach i obowiązkach obywatela (Des droits et des devoirs du citoyen), z…
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Jan Wilk – Wybaczyć… Perełka 87
Wybór cytatów na temat przebaczania. Wydawnictwo: Edycja Świętego Pawła data wydania: 2002 (data przybliżona) ISBN: 8371685890 liczba stron: 16 słowa…
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Michael L. Peterson – Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion
Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Religion features newly commissioned debates on some of the most controversial issues in the…
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Richard Fumerton – Realism and the Correspondence Theory of Truth
This book is a defense of realism about truth. The author argues that the most plausible version of realism is…
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Henry Bolingbroke – Political Writings
Henry St John, Viscount Bolingbroke, was one of the most creative political thinkers in eighteenth-century Britain. In this volume, modernised…
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praca zbiorowa – Early Greek Political Thought from Homer to the Sophists
This edition of early Greek writings on social and political issues includes works by more than thirty authors. There is…
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James Harrington – The Commonwealth of Oceana and A System of Politics
James Harrington’s brief career as a political and historical theorist spans the last years of the Cromwellian Protectorate and the…
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Samuel Pufendorf – On the Duty of Man and Citizen according to Natural Law
On the Duty of Man and Citizen (1673) is Pufendorf’s succinct and condensed presentation of the natural law political theory…
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praca zbiorowa – The Dutch Revolt
This is a major English-language edition of five central texts in the history of the political thought of the Dutch…
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Bertrand Russell – What I Believe
Wydawnictwo: Routledge ISBN: 0415325099 kategoria: filozofia i etyka język: angielski
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Dariusz Pakalski – Estetyka Eduarda von Hartmanna
Eduard von Hartmann często pisał o ważnych sprawach i czynił to w sposób porywający. Samo hasło „filozofia nieświadomego” wydaje się…
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Lucrezia Marinella – The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men
A gifted poet, a women’s rights activist, and an expert on moral and natural philosophy, Lucrezia Marinella (1571-1653) was known…
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opracowanie redakcyjne – Filozofia – wzloty i upadki : XXXIX Tydzień Filozoficzny KUL, 3-6 marca 1997
Filozofia, materiały konferencyjne Wydawnictwo: Redakcja Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego data wydania: 1998 (data przybliżona) ISBN: 8322807287 liczba stron: 120 słowa…
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Lars Svendsen – Philosophy of Boredom
It has been described as a „tame longing without any particular object” by Schopenhauer, „a bestial and indefinable affliction” by…
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