Poradniki dla rodziców

Debbie Riley – Beneath the mask. Understanding Adopted Teens

Therapy solutions for adopted kids aren’t just black and white. Working with adopted adolescents is complex. The key to successful therapy and healthy development is to help the adolescent discover and accept the person within.

Parents will discover: the 6 most common adoption „stuck-spots;” a deeper understanding of the complexities of adoption – identity, abandonment, grief and loss, relinquishment issues – and how they affect personal and family development; the quest for identity through the eyes of the adopted teen; how therapy may help the adoptive family learn and grow together.
Therapists and Clinicians will discover: a broad knowledge base on adoption; a step-by-step assessment process; clinical intervention strategies; a wealth of case histories; treatment resources and therapy tools; writing & art therapy samples.  

CASE Publications
data wydania:
luty 2005 (data przybliżona)


liczba stron:

słowa kluczowe:
adopcja , adopcja dzieci starszych

poradniki dla rodziców
