Obyczajowa i Romans

Juniper Bell – My Three Lords

How is one innocent country girl to choose between a Duke, a Marquis and an Earl? Must she?When Miss Alicia Silverwood marries the Earl of Dorchester, he whisks her off to Notre Plaisir, a country manor where erotic surprises await in the company of three powerful lords.The young Earl needs a wife and heir. The cynical Marquis de Beaumont needs a playmate. And the commanding Duke of Warrington needs a reason to live. As for the new Lady Dorchester, she’s about to discover the true nature of her own sensual needs. On top of that, she’s falling in love.It might take a miracle for Lady Alicia and her three lords to come to an arrangement that makes them all happy. Or perhaps all that’s required is a little scandalous rule-breaking.Reader Advisory: Contains an m/m/f/m m nage with brief m/m sex, as well as a deflowering and much sweet loving.   źródło opisu: Ellora’s Cave Publishing, 2010

Ellora’s Cave
data wydania:
28 lipca 2010


liczba stron:

Literatura obyczajowa i romans


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