Psychologia i socjologia

Paul Britton – Picking Up The Pieces

For twenty-five years forensic psychologist Paul Britton has interviewed, assessed and treated people with damaged or broken minds. Some were responsible for terrible crimes, others were stopped before it was too late. He can 'walk through the minds’ of those who murder, rape, torture, extort and kidnap. For him, the answers aren’t just hidden at bloody crime scenes or in the post-mortem photographs – instead, they are often locked away within someone’s sub-conscious or deep in their past. That is why the police have called on him to help with many high-profile criminal investigations and catch those responsible.

How does he do it? Picking Up the Pieces traces Britton’s remarkable journey into the darkest recesses of human experience. From top security prisons and mental hospitals to ordinary outpatients’ clinics, he reveals the psychological and forensic foundations upon which he has based his expertise. It is a compelling and revealing book that provides important insights into the complex organism we call the human mind.   źródło opisu: Transworld Publishers 2001 źródło okładki: Transworld Publishers 2001

Transworld Publishers Ltd
data wydania:
4 czerwca 2001


liczba stron:

słowa kluczowe:
psychologia sądowa , kryminologia

nauki społeczne (psychologia, socjologia, itd.)
