
Steven E. Schend – Calimport

What can one truly know about a place until he or she has experienced it firsthand? Calimport is a place of many truths, each more disturbing than the last. It is also the most influential trade city in souther Faerûn, whether its detractors admit it or not. Building on materials from Empires of the Shining Sea, this supplement expands tremendously on what we know about the city that has been the seat of Calishite power since the arrival of the djinni lord Calim eight millennia ago. What can be found inside?
The history of Calimport on a broad scale, showing the ebb and flow of power surrounding the city across time.
A sweeping look at the city itself, including all of its landmarks, wards, and sabbans (districts), providing for the first time the key to finding ways through a city of more than two million people.
A close-up view of the Eraré Sabban and its Taorahl Drudach, a waterfront district and neighborhood designed to be a central base in your own Calimport campaigns.
Numerous magical items and artifacts, many of which hide among Calimport’s shadows, from the Battlecloak of Vycaena and the Codex Thealnakkar to the Staff of Shoon and the Tome of Secrets.

Everything you need to know about the peril-riddled alleys, palaces, and underworld of the most dangerous city on Faerûn is contained within this 96-page book. Walk the dark paths among the sabbans or fly among the gilded minarets, but know that a thousand eyes and a thousand intrigues swirl about you at any moment! Come explore one of the oldest cities of Faerûn. The trip may change your life…  

data wydania:
1998 (data przybliżona)


liczba stron:

słowa kluczowe:
Forgotten Realms , Dungeons & Dragons , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2e , AD&D , D&D , RPG , Zapomniane Krainy



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