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Thomas Stridsman – Trading Systems That Work: Building and Evaluating Effective Trading Systems

Book DescriptionToday s computer trading programs can be a godsend to traders looking for an extra edge. They can also be filled with dangerous and expensive pitfalls for the uninitiated. Trading Systems That Work reviews and analyzes today s major software programs, and helps traders determine which will work best for their personal trading style and habits and which could actually work against them. Emphasizing Tradestation and Excel (the two most popular software trading programs), this valuable guidebook covers all aspects of building, understanding, and evaluating a system. Traders will keep Trading Systems That Work handy for its: *Clear, step-by-step assistance with intricate systems *Techniques to evaluate the true performance of any system Book InfoA complete guide to combining cutting edge information and techniques in trading into a simple, personalized system. Offers guidelines for implementing a consistent money management program, portfolio composition techniques to increase profit and reduce risk, and strategies to exercise proper risk management. DLC: Investment analysis. From the Back CoverGuidelines for Designing and Building a Unique, Powerful, and Profitable Trading SystemSuccessful trading is more than just a series of single, isolated activities, each fighting its own battles in a dog-eat-dog marketplace. It is instead a system, in which all components work together to ensure that each trade is well protected, easy to implement, and capable of generating a steady stream of low-risk trading returns. Trading Systems That Work shows you how to combine today s best available information and techniques into a simple system that works for youacross all markets and market conditions. Look to this clear, step-by-step book for:  


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