Psychologia i socjologia

Philip G. Zimbardo – The Demise of Guys: Why Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It

Young men are struggling socially, sexually, and in school. Why?

In their provocative ebook 'The Demise of Guys: Why Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It,’ celebrated psychologist Philip G. Zimbardo and Nikita Duncan say that an addiction to video games and online porn have created a generation of shy, socially awkward, emotionally removed, and risk-adverse young men who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school, and employment. Taking a critical look at a problem which is tearing at families and societies everywhere, 'The Demise of Guys’ suggests that our young men are suffering from a new form of “arousal addiction,” and introduce a bold new plan for getting them back on track. The book is based on a popular TED Talk which Zimbardo did in 2011, and includes extensive research as well as a TED-exclusive survey that drew responses from more than 20,000 men.   źródło opisu: źródło okładki:

Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
data wydania:
23 maja 2012

słowa kluczowe:

nauki społeczne (psychologia, socjologia, itd.)
