
Carmen Bin Ladin – Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia

Inside the Kingdom is Carmen bin Ladin’s memoir of her years living in Saudi Arabia while married to one of the 23 brothers of Osama bin Ladin. Raised in Iran with Swiss-Persian heritage, she was courted by a westernized Yeslam bin Ladin, who originally took her to California. Once they moved back to Saudi Arabia, she was forced to live under its strict Islamic code, even being married by proxy during her wedding she could not attend. Yeslam was even uninterested in his daughters, wishing Carmen had given birth to sons instead. Her wealth allowed her some minor privileges as societal restrictions eased a bit, but she finally fled to Switzerland in the 80s. Her memoir is a peek inside constrained life within Saudi Arabia and the power and government connections of the bin Ladin family. The New York Times says, „Inside the Kingdom, her memoir of a nine-year marriage to Yeslam bin Ladin, is more compelling than that, if only on the level of a day-to-day portrait of Saudi life.”   źródło opisu: źródło okładki:

Carmen Bin Ladin
słowa kluczowe:
bliski wschód , terroryzm , bin laden , tematyka arabska



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